Some may not like what l have to say. This thing about mixing religion with politics: Of course those who thought up this strategy are the first to be blamed. They have created an unholy movement. And this is just part of the bigger grand design. Second to be blamed are those who are actually spearheading this activity in the field. But I also blame those people who are joining in this dangerous movement as willing followers. If they don’t join in, the movement will naturally fade out. Why these people are joining in is something one can’t understand. Don’t they see the real objective of the whole idea? Their religious sentiments are being wrongfully used for political purposes. It’s a real heart-breaking scenario. All the more so because I’m also a Buddhist.
We have had dictatorship by the minority for half a century. I only hope dictatorship by the majority isn’t in the books ! This mixture of religion and politics is certainly not a good sign for the days ahead. This mixture force will still be there in the days ahead to sway the minds and hearts of the people.
This kind of political movement with a religious cause for window dressing has the ability to rally the people at large, especially the less educated and can put the government in power in a dilemma.The result is that the government has to walk a tight rope.